Yuki Sasakura Assiter

Yuki Sasakura Assiter is a contemporary jeweller from Kamakura, Japan. Living and working in London since 2004. She is an established member of West Hampstead’s bustling creative art community. Since January 2021 her workshop has been located in Hatton Garden, London’s jewellery district.

All jewellery is designed and handmade by Yuki at her workshop.

Tiny Pond Ripple Hanging Earrings
White Coral Beach Round Earrings. Coral with Hanging Stones


Having worked as a large-scale metal welder, packaging designer and editorial designer in Tokyo during her twenties. Yuki’s varied background in design provides her with a breadth of knowledge and expertise, which have greatly informed her as a jeweller. In 2008 Yuki completed a degree in Metal and Jewellery at UCA Farnham. Which on completion she developed her ideas and techniques to create Yuki Sasakura Assiter Jewellery.


Yuki’s collections are inspired by the positive events in her life. Her jewellery seeks to capture moments of joy and uplift the wearer. She is also inspired by her environment and the differences of jewellery history in England and Japan. She explores textures, shapes and patterns derived from traditional embroidery, textiles, cities and nature. Gentle attention to texture which mimics nature is a trademark of Yuki’s jewellery.


Yuki favours traditional jewellery making techniques; cutting, forming, texturing and soldering pieces in gold and silver. She builds up unique shapes which she later combines with embellishments to add colour and composition. She favours traditional methods as they allow her to connect to the material more deeply, with minimal environmental impact. When casting or engraving is required this is carried out by independent and local businesses based in the London area. These businesses use only recycled metals and are certified.

From the first moment of design to the final details, all jewellery is made by hand on a small production basis. This ensures that all material is responsibly used. Ensuring minimal environmental impact. Yuki also upcycles old and broken jewellery, extending the life cycle of peoples treasured belongings. She is passionate about the (re)framing of jewellery as something to treasure and to invest in. As in recent years, through cheap labour and harmful Extractivist processes, jewellery has become something seen as temporary and disposable.  

Sourcing Materials with Integrity

Common materials in Yuki’s jewellery are Sterling Silver, 9ct and 18ct gold. All precious metals used have been bought in sheet from Cooksongold. A well-respected independent company based in Birmingham, UK. All material she sources from them is certified 100% recycled. Any metal scraps, grains or leftovers from her workshop are melted down to create new jewellery as part of her creative process. A collection that arose out of this is her ‘White Coral Beach’ range. When other alternative materials like shells and dead corals are used, they have been foraged by Yuki during her walks.

Behind the scenes!
Recycled Silver texturised elements

Yuki has been a jewellery tutor at Flux Studio, London, and has worked as a freelance jeweller with various jewellery companies. She currently lives and works in London.

To shop and see the full collection of Yuki Sasakura Assiter Jewellery at GroundJewels click here.

For more information about Yuki and her processes visit https://ysajewellery.com/

Lily Fonzo